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Install Sarge on a Ibook ?


This is my first message in this list, and I willl
begin with a presentation : I am Diego,  an happy
owner of an Ibook G3 900 MHZ, combo. Some weeks ago I
upgraded my system to the panther, and in that
occasion I partitioned my HD so that a partition of 3
GB is now free just to install a debian inside !
I read some how-to and the instruction are quite
clear, but what I would like to do is to install a
debian testing distribution (Sarge); I think the best
way to do it is to install a very little "core" of
debian from wich install the complete debian testing
distribution (so,a network installation ) but I do not
know exactly what is the procedure and where to find
the core I need to start the installation; I am sure
this is not the first time of a request like this
here, so a link with a tutorial or the essential
informations would be greatly appreciated: Note the in
my system I do not have Mac OS 9, only Panther and,
hopefully, Linux Debian :)

Thank you in advance for any help or advices, 


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