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Re: kernel selection: powerpc, power4 or power3?

On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 12:04:38PM +0100, James Tappin wrote:
> Is there any document which gives a breakdown of which machines should
> use which kernel-image packages?

Reading the description of apt-cache show for example ?

> More specifically which is best for a G3 600MHz 12" iBook? The Sarge
> installer used powerpc, but does the power3 have extra optimizations for
> G3 processors?

There are the powerpc processors, which go from the ppc 601 to the more
recent G4s, passing by some other mostly embedded processors, and then
there are the IBM power cpus, of which there is the power3 and the
power4 and its little sibbling the PPC970 aka G5.

But in any case, debian-installer should know what is best for you.


Sven Luther

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