Re: AmigaONE && Debian (unstable?)
Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
Which is why it would help to be IBM or one of the other big players.
Does it look like I'm shitting hardware? ;-)
That has nothing to do with big players at all.
Are you saying I have more money than IBM? I would certainly hope not ;-)
Seriously, I think Eyetech and MAI are being complete assholes on this
one, but I would like to add that it would have been really cool if
someone from the outside had half a chance in heck of figuring all of
this out and actually get there in time to have a patch for something
that is semi-current.
Every time I manage to make something that looks like a patch for some
version of Linux that version is obsoleted by something that breaks
whatever I did. I may not be the smartest guy around, but at least I'm
man enough to face the fact. I am not the right person to ask this of :-)
I guess more manpower is the only way to go. Anyway, I have done a bit
of work on two of the 4 or 5 (can't remember, it's been HOURS already
:-) ) points I wrote down earlier, possibly enough to have it ready in
less than 5 minutes (amiga-fdisk and kernel-package). The rest of the
points are somewhat more work, but I'm going to contribute if there's
more than me out there. At least it is a START, right? :-)
But I guess the number of people with AmigaOnes who actually bothered to
subscribe here is pretty low, even if I did hint a few _thousand_ times
elsewhere that this was a good list for debian and powerpc related
AmigaOne dev list FAQ (when I say F, I mean F):
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