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Re: Troubles with gnome 2.6

rusty wrote:
El Jueves, 29 de Abril de 2004 06:01, Dean Hamstead escribió:

ive been able to get gnome-2.6 to install having tweaked
my sources.list file and then using
using the apt-get gnome-desktop-environment method

	Me too, on a alubook 17 First generation.

however, after loging in at gdm, i have a long wait
and then although gnome 2.6 has started, the underlying
window manager has not.

I have the same problem exactly, so when gnome 2.6 starts take 5 or 10 minutes. I thought initially that gnome-smproxy was doing anything wrong. I tried to change to sawfish and the result is the same.

	Anybody has any clue ´bout time that gnome 2.6 takes to start?.

	Sorry for my english :-)

I did an upgrade last night and am now experiencing the same issue. It looks very similar to what happens when switching from sawfish to metacity, before metacity takes control. I can start most apps (not gnome-sessions) but when they display they have no title bars and I cannot resize or move windows.

Ah, the fun of experimental!

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