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Re: dist upgrade experiences and problems

On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 11:13:03AM +0100, Martin Kuball wrote:
> I'v just upgraded my woody to testing. Everything went well and the system is 
> still running ;). Soon after I found out that instead of apt-get upgrade I 
> should have used apt-get dist-upgrade. I repeated the step and really he 
> wants to do a lot more work. Among a lot of new packages he wants to remove 
> almost all of the kde pckages. Now this is a bit strange because there does 
> not seem to be a replacement in the list of the new packages he wants to 
> install. So what's going on here?

KDE isn't quite sorted in testing yet. If you use a real package
management frontend like dselect or aptitude instead of apt-get you may
be able to persuade parts of it to stay.

> Another question: I'm seeing the following line a lot when using apt-get:
> 	the following n packages have been ketp back
> what does this meen? Just that he can't find a newer version for them?

No, exactly not that; there's a newer version but it can't be installed
because of dependency problems. See above about using a real package
management frontend, which may let you get more detail on why they're
being held back.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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