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Re: Can I Install AND boot a new Kernel on an OldWorld PMac?

On 07.01.2004, at 18:01 Uhr, Rick Thomas wrote:


1) Please post a report on your experiences when you get things working.
 I have the same problem, and I'm sure others out there do too.

Hi again Rick,

I'm making good progress. The information is all there, just not in a nice HOWTO (yet). I must confess: I'm was not very good at looking for it. Simons pointers encouraged me to look again... Thanks Simon!

If you drop me a quick note on the nature of your problem, I'll keep a lookout for a solution while I'm at it.

Some pointers and suggestions until I get to write something more extensive:

The biggest problem seems to be, that most "tools" will set the nvram to values that they "think" are right for you. Sometimes they are wrong! Also some of the original Apple OF settings seem to be off, and may need to be patched. Last, but not least if you keep a MacOS, is the problem that booting into OS 9 (and maybe OS X?) may change some OF settings, thus overwriting changes made for linux. (This also means, that the OF settings after zapping the PRAM may have changed by the time MacOS is booted!)

What you need to find out, is what the right settings are for you. Not an easy task!

The original Debian install process seems to do the right things for me, i.e. video is fine. If it does (did) for you might try the following...


- get the Bootvars (and maybe other tools) from http://penguinppc.org/projects/quik/ so you can check the nvram from MacOS if you need to - reboot zapping the PRAM and the press option-command-o-f to boot into the OF, if it doesn't work try again, you want the OF settings before MacOS touches them
- at the OF prompt enter printenv
- look carefully at the values carefully (maybe write them down?)
- at the OF prom enter dev / ls
- this should show you your entire device tree - again note the stuff that is interesting for you
- continue to boot into MacOS bye entering bye at the OF promtp
- check as much of the nvram as you can with Bootvars

- do a fresh Debian install
- if every thing looks right make copies of the nvram settings (I used nvsetenv > nvsettings) and of /etc/quik.conf (you'll need this later to boot into the right kernel!) - change the auto-boot? value to false, reboot into the OF and check to see what changed

If you can track all the changes you can probably figure out what the right values for your box are - I hope ;) When you do, just set them manually with nvsetenv.

Booting a new/different kernel should now work, if you edit the quik.confg by hand (i.e. not with quikcofig) and run quik.

One great source on OF, that Simon didn't mention, are the Apple Tech Notes. You may want to check there for technote 1061:

http://developer.apple.com/cgi-bin/search.pl? &q=technote+1061&num=10&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&lr=lang_en

more later


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