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Re: procmail recipe for this list ?

In message <[🔎] 3F3BACB2.6080905@ns.sympatico.ca>,
David Oakes <doakes@ns.sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Whenever some on this list reply to me, I get two copies, one through
> the list and one cc'd to me. As if I wouldn't be getting the one sent
> to the list! So much for netiquette...

You can suppress duplicates using this example from the procmailex(5)

       If you are subscribed to several mailinglists and people
       cross-post to some of them, you usually receive several
       duplicate mails (one from every list).  The following simple
       recipe eliminates duplicate mails.  It tells formail to keep an
       8KB cache file in which it will store the Message-IDs of the
       most recent mails you received.  Since Message-IDs are
       guaranteed to be unique for every new mail, they are ideally
       suited to weed out duplicate mails.  Simply put the following
       recipe at the top of your rcfile, and no duplicate mail will
       get past it.

              :0 Wh: msgid.lock
              | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

You might want to increase the cache beyond 8 KiB.

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