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Re: Some sound doesn't work yet

> However, when playing some sounds I just get lots random noise (a bit like
> white noise, but less soothing). This happens to the sound-track on mpeg
> videos when I'm watching them on Kaboodle or Noatun (the media players from
> KDE 3.1). And also when I try to play MOD files (that's an old 80s music
> format) on XMMS and on tracker. The tracker package is written specifically
> to play MOD files.

It sounds like you've hit an endian bug. The conversion of audio data from 
x86, Little Endian audio to ppc, Big Endian isn't happening. Sometimes it's a 
problem with the arts plugin. Try disabling arts and letting the program use 
OSS or ALSA directly. Then report the bug.


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