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Re: Quake3 under debian ppc?

On Mit, 2003-04-16 at 12:07, Raphaël Haberer-Proust wrote:
> I have to admit that my question is not very important... But I was just
> wondering, if there is a possibility to play Quake3 under Linux ppc. I
> can play it under Linux x86 and under Mac OS9. Are there executables for
> Linux ppc?

There aren't, and there likely won't be (I and others have harassed some
id people about it :). So until id releases the source, I basically see
two options:

      * empty space, a free reimplementation of the Quake3 engine
        (http://www.ping.uio.no/~mortehu/es/). Already handles the RtCW
        menus, not playable yet though.
      * QEMU (http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/). I've actually run
        the x86 Quake3 with that, only with software Mesa though and
        hence unplayable of course. It might be playable with hardware
        acceleration, but there's some work to do for that, in
        particular at the very least endianness fixes for the DRI
        extension in the X server and a DRM ioctl conversion layer in

So anyone who wants to see this happen should consider contributing to
either of these projects.

Earthling Michel Dänzer   \  Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast  \     http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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