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PowerPC Linux support for Intel v92 HaM chipset based modems

I picked up a PCI 56K modem cheap, slung it inside my beige G3 and
discovered it's a 'winmodem'. The chipset inside is made by Intel --
non-free x86 drivers for Linux are available at
More details on the chipset and modems that use it are at

Unfortunately they won't compile on the powerpc as a there's a binary
precompiled element.  I contacted Intel about this, and got a response
which said basically:

    * the engineer and their manager were curious to see if the code
    would compile for powerpc and showed some interest
    * unfortunately nobody's been asking so far
    * in order to make progress, expressions of interest are required
    that would show an additional potential market for the chipset
In particular they said: "I did hear that DirecTV uses
Linux and powerPC but I have not verified this."

So, I offered to collect any evidence of interest and send it on. 
Therefore if you've got any interest or ideas about seeing this chipset
supported under PowerPC Linux, please send details to me directly and
I'll collate and forward on.

Feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested.

-- Edd

Edd Dumbill -----| phone: +44 1904 427740 fax: 44 8709 909625 |-----
 | Managing Editor, XML.com, XMLhack.com  --  Chair, XML Europe 2002
 | I PGP sign my email; more info at http://heddley.com/edd/pgp.html

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