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Re: Sound on a PowerBook G3 Firewire

Thanks!  Works like a charm!


>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Victor <bhv1@psu.edu> writes:

    Brian> Keep in mind that it's been a little while since I did it,
    Brian> but here's what I remember.

    Brian> Step 1: make sure that USB audio is available to the
    Brian> kernel, probably as a module.  (I'm assuming your webcam is
    Brian> USB.  I'm also assuming it registers itself as an audio
    Brian> device, which may be completely wrong.)

    Brian> Step 2: check your audio mixer of choice (I use gmix) to
    Brian> see if your audio device is being recognized.  gmix
    Brian> displayed a new tab for me, something like "USB Audio Class
    Brian> Device".

    Brian> Step 3: Use the following command: rec -d /dev/dsp1 -r
    Brian> 44100 myrecording.wav

    Brian> /dev/dsp1 is the second audio device (after builtin,
    Brian> /dev/dsp).

    Brian> 44100 is, IIRC, CD-quality sound, and also (I think) the
    Brian> max supported by the iMic.

    Brian> I would presume that a more comprehensive audio recording
    Brian> program would also find success with those bitrate and
    Brian> device settings.  You may have to play around with the
    Brian> bitrate to get something acceptable.

    Brian> Also, note that I was using OSS.  I haven't managed to get
    Brian> ALSA to do much for me.

    Brian> -- Brian

    Brian>                                             "We are each of
    Brian> us angels with Email: bhv1@psu.edu only one wing, and we
    Brian> can fly Web: http://www.personal.psu.edu/bhv1/ only by
    Brian> embracing each other."  -- Lucian de Crescenzo

    Brian> -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
    Brian> debian-powerpc-request@lists.debian.org with a subject of
    Brian> "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

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