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Re: lxdoom and sound


> I've just finished a long and tedious search on Google for anyone who
> know how to get any sort of sound out of lxdoom.

Are you sure you installed the lxdoom-sndserv package?  Doom uses a
separate program for sound output.  Anyway, you should beware:

| From: leesz@csie.nctu.edu.tw (Ikari)
| Subject: Dooming after Quaking :)
| Date: 1998/10/08
| Message-ID: <6vhse0$8hj$1@netnews2.csie.nctu.edu.tw>#1/1
| NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Oct 1998 08:17:04 GMT
| Newsgroups: rec.games.computer.quake.playing
| After Quaking for several months, I yanked my Doom CD out trying to recall
| those good ol'days. (That seemed to be ages ago :)
| But after 1 hour of Dooming, I finally realized that the Soldier who fought
| on Strogg can never turn back to Phobos again because:
| 1. He wondered why the door didn't open when he reached it.
| 2. He realized that he can't jump.
| 3. He really want to aim that monster, but his head fixed to the front.
| 4. He was pissed off when he found out that his way was blocked by a box
|    that he REALLY can jump pass.
| 5. He KNOWS that those shadows are in the wrong place. :)
| 6. He wondered how slow his chaingun fires.
| 7. He is surprised that he can go through lava pools without getting hurt.
| 8. He is surprised how powerful a rocket is.
| 9. He wondered why he can't gib the corpse.  
| 10.He was almost destroyed by an "invisible monster". Those memories in
| Stroggs had really made him forgotten his long lost friends, Spectres. :)
| 11.He wished that he had brought his Railgun along.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

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