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heavy problems installing woody on a brand new iBook


a few days ago I bought a new 12.1" iBook 600 to use it primary as linux
machine, but during my various tries all i saw were kernel panics.

The Debian installer (from NetInstall CD 2002-02-15) claims the computer
having no hard disk, sometimes i can run fdisk on console but when after
writing down the partition layout the kernel panics like "access of bad
area pc 021da64 lv c024a564 11tsk mac-fdisk/80". I also get cryptic
error mesages when accessing the nic. My tties with the 2.4.18-bh0
kernel resulted in an total system lockup when switching the console.

Any Ideas?

MacOS 9/X are working fine, so the hardware seems ok, the iBook (ID 406)
has an IBM HDD (IC25N020ATDA4-0), 256MB Ram, Airport and RW/DVD (Sony


     PHILIPP SCHMIDT / phils - - + - - > philipp@ppc.in-berlin.de
     Phone: +49(30)66922513      ` - - > http://home.pages.de/~phils/
     wenn wo eine Schraube ist dann muss man auch dran drehen (Kurt Schwitters)

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