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Re: ATI Radeon (ibook2)

>> M7 works (and DRI too using Michel Danzer packages) though sleep isn't
>> supported on Apple laptops using this chip yet.
>Is the bottleneck on not having sleep support due to ATI?

It's due to lack of informations about the M7 sleep support, yes,
though ATI told us they would eventually try to schedule release of
something when they manage to find some engineer spare time (which
could actually be close to never...)

At that point, I'm wondering if it would make any sense to try
to "count ourselves" to have a rough idea of the number of PowerBook
users wanting to run Linux on them and the number of the various
ATI chips represented (especially M6 and M7s). I have no idea how
many we are and if that number makes any "commercial" sense to
either ATI or Apple, but I'm curious ;) I keep getting mails
from people asking for sleep support on the M7, so...

Another possibility would be to spend time disassembling the MacOS
driver (I did that a lot on the M6 driver) but that takes time, is
difficult, and I don't have the HW as I only have an M6 based
tipb (older generation).


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