Does it work? I've tried every daemon that
looked like a client: dhcpcd, pump, dhclient...
This is with debian-testing, ppc, and a 2.4.16 kernel.
I even know the interface works.
I have a working client on a Red Hat x86 system.
It reports this:
DHCP Client Daemon v.1.3.18
Copyright (C) 1996 - 1997 Yoichi Hariguchi <yoichi@fore.com>
Copyright (C) January, 1998 Sergei Viznyuk <sv@phystech.com>
Usage: dhcpcd [-dknrBCDHRT] [-l leasetime] [-h hostname] [-t timeout]
[-i vendorClassID] [-I ClientID] [-c filename] [-s [ipaddr]] [interface]
I'm not looking for anything fancy. I want it to work, and a
nice /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.info file would sure be helpful.
(it's always the same story: several choices, all of them broken)
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- Re: DHCP
- From: Michel Dänzer <daenzer@debian.org>
- Re: DHCP
- From: Stephen van Egmond <svanegmond@tinyplanet.ca>