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Re: ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY and BenH Kernel on New ibooks.

>Thanks, it was very helpful. I downloaded the kernel anew, applyed the patch
>(am I right, if i just did a "/usr/src/kernel-patch/powerpc/benh/apply/benh"
>from the benh_kernel directory? At last this didn't give any error.
>But as I recompiled, I pulled the OFFB and put in the RadeonFB, as you
>wrote. But as I try to reboot this kernel, I again get to OpenFirmware, I'll
>write down what's standing there:

Hrm... make sure you did a proper build (make clean; make dep; make)
and that you didn't corrupt the kernel installing it (if you used an
HFS partition, beware that the kernel HFS filesystem is badly broken)


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