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Re: tibook fan/heat regulation

Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org> writes:

> >I can't remember having my fan on at all....

> If you had a 7450 based model, you would hear it ;)

> >I only hope it's automatic ;-)

> It is, more or less. It's controlled via an I2C thermostat which is
> programmed by OF to default thresholds that should be enough. 

Where in OF?

> I managed to access this device on some models (pismo, first
> generation tipb) to read the temp & eventually edit the thresholds
> but didn't release anything yet, though I noticed Darwin explicitely
> switch the thermostat off during sleep, at least on the Pismo. I
> don't know what model of thermostat is used on more recent machines,
> it seems to be slightly different.

> >It's definitely off by far on the 7410: mine says 2C just after
> >wakeup, and 11C after a few minutes of heavy work. Makes me want to
> >climb inside that box, considering the temperature outside ;-)

> None of the G4s CPU have properly calibrated TAU. Actually, the TAU
> unit isn't even supported anymore by Moto on recent chips.

Yuck.  Mine seems to always go lower.... it's at 2C right now:-/

David N. Welton
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