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Help! Major KDE Problems

This is what's going on with me...konqueror does not work. Neither does
kmail. I click on their icons, they look like they're going to start,
then, nothing. I've tried to remove (via apt-get) both kmail and
konqueror, even purging their config files, but when I reinstall them,
they both fail on me.

I'd like to know how to troubleshoot this, first of all, then I'd like
to know how to fix this.
I look at my ps -A and I see that kmail and konqueror are "on," I just
don't see them displayed.
When I do manage to get konqueror started, it's only as the file
manager, and nothing else.
When I try to go to a web page, it crashes. 

How I got here is a mystery. I've had a couple of bad kernel crashes,
but there's nothing in lost+found
to recover, except for two or three xml files, but I don't know where
they are supposed to go. I've
compared my PowerPC and x86 kde settings, but they seem the same.
kfmclient seems to be important, 
but there's no manual entry for it, and kfmclient --help isn't all that helpful.

can anyone help? 


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