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Re: "at" character in X

Hello Daniel!
On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 06:07:10PM +0200, Daniel Schlager wrote:
> Hello,
> i can't write a email in X Server on my IBOOK2 (500 MHZ)

I've the same (similar) ibook2 (500MHZ)

> i use the X Server Framebuffer and i missing some characters (eg. 
> backslash, at "klammeraffe" to write a mail)
> currently i using the GERMAN Keymap for macintosh
> can anyone help me with this big problem
> (eg. a example configuration file)

My solution is a dirty one I evolved from a former mail I got on the
list. I don't understand completely if it's a good solution but it
works ;-)

I added following lines to /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/macintosh/de:

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "mycustomkeys" {
	    include "macintosh/de(nodeadkeys)"
	    include "ralt"

After that done I changed in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/ralt the following
expression <RALT> against <LALT> in the following line of ../ralt :

	   key <RALT> {

That's it ;-)




Georg Koss

mailto: g.koss@eunet.at

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