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Re: telnetd timing out?

On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 05:42:32AM -0600, Elizabeth Barham wrote:
> Hi,
> This isn't powerpc specific but I perhaps someone knows where I might
> be able to look to fix a property of (probably) telnetd:
> It closes my connections after a long period of inactivity.
> I have another box running Debian-i386 and I can leave telnet running
> it all day - not touching a key - and the telnet connection stays
> up. But when I telnet into my ppc box and do not use the connection
> for a few hours the connection is automatically closed.
> Is it possible another deamon is sweeping the system or something
> looking for idle connections (this is a via an ethernet
> connection/local LAN/not ppp)? I looked at /etc/inetd.conf at the
> telnetd line but it's normal (no flags with telnetd).
> Any ideas?


> One more thing, I'm using dselect now on the PPC machine and it just
> tried to install gom-ct; this always throws my machine into a stall.
> I got out of it by killing the process and hitting ctrl-c at the
> menu. This is really a report.

If it happens during the dselect selection process, that would be a
bug on dselect (reportbug dselect), if it happens after you've
selected update, that would be apt-get, but if it happens when apt-get
says it's running the setup for gom-ct, that would be a bug on
gom-ct. Which is probably the most likely, include some more details

reportbug gom-ct

if you haven't used reportbug yet, and you're not familiar with elm,
you should first, as root, 

update-alternatives --config editor

and choose nano or ae.

Also, put your email address and realname in /etc/reportbug.conf

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