Re: Where to find updates??
On Montag, 1. Oktober 2001 00:15 Rogério Brito wrote:
> Would a chroot environment work here (say, using potato's
> base2_2.tgz and upgrading)? Are both computers working
> PowerPC?
No, one is a PowerPC and the other with the internet-connection is an
Intel-machine with SuSE 7.2
> If yes, then you could use that, then use apt-move to
> generate a local mirror with only the packages that you'd
> want, burn them on a CD-R and then use it to update your
> Powerbook.
> I'm sorry if this is not applicable to your situation (I
> caught the thread in the middle).
No problem, as you know, every help is welcome...
Greetz :-))
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