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RE: configuring X for Lime iMac (have tried many things...)

the solution the keyboard configuration was obvious:

(for a 97 key keyboard...)
Option "XkbModel" "pc97"

(and the standard)
Option	"XkbRules" "xfree86"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"

still haven't gotten the mouse to show up.
tried: "usb" "Auto" "PS/2" "imps/2" and not
even a nudge. when i use "usb" however, the
X server fails to start complaining that it
cannot initialize CorePointer.

ps: hope this is useful to someone else, when i get
a fully working file, is there someplace i should submit it?
(doesn't linuxppc.org keep an archive, for example?)

=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: crombie [mailto:crombie88@yahoo.com]
=>Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 7:01 PM
=>To: daenzer@debian.org; debian-powerpc
=>Cc: adam@evdebs.org
=>Subject: RE: configuring X for Lime iMac (have tried many things...)
=>first off. thanx for all the input. the X config file helped, as did the
=>APT archive. i am very close now. the Mouse does not work at all, and the
=>Keyboard is incorrectly mapped and only kicks out garbage. more
=>on specifics below, but this is where i need help.
=>fyi update:
=>i have a "LIME" iMac (this should tell you what version).
=>the horiz/vert sync that i am successfully using is:
=>	HORIZ SYNC: 60.015
=>	VERT REFRESH: 75.03-117.233
=>hope this helps some other people out.
=>i did have to do a clean install of debian woody, which was probably good
=>as i had corrupted dselect. also, did a clean install of XFree86 4.1.0
=>via the Xinstall.sh and downloaded all tgz's from ftp.xfree86.org. the
=>version that came with Woody did not correctly setup startx or xinit.
=>did anyone else have problems with this? if so, should submit a
=>bug report.
=>ended up using xf86config to get a working /etc/X11/XF86Config but the
=>file probvided by Adam Goode worked (with minor modifications) as well.
=>currently...can't get the keyboard correctly mapped or the mouse to be
=>recognized at all. i have a 266mhz LIME iMac with 97 keys on the keyboard
=>(not including the power button.) i have a 1-button (*frown*) round iMac
=>mouse. i will look around for the correct configuration elsewhere, but
=>any direction is most appreciated!
=>ps: there was some side comments on rpms for debian. please look at
=>the "alien" program and corresponding documentation. alternately, you
=>can generally pull down source and compile. for the specific program
=>i wanted (Xautoconfig) I could not get the source to compile. if this
=>program works (which the YellowDog guys insist that it does) then that
=>would greatly ease the pain for all Mac users setting up X. anyone want
=>to tackle putting it into a .deb? thoughts?
=>=>-----Original Message-----
=>=>From: daenzer@vtx.ch [mailto:daenzer@vtx.ch]On Behalf Of Michel Dänzer
=>=>Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 8:43 AM
=>=>To: crombie88@yahoo.com
=>=>Cc: debian-powerpc
=>=>Subject: Re: configuring X for Lime iMac (have tried many things...)
=>=>crombie wrote:
=>=>> has anyone gotten X windows successfully configured on an iMac?
=>=>could you
=>=>> send me a working XF86Config file? or is there an X guru
=>=>somewhere who could
=>=>> help me configure it myself. i've put a lot of time into it and
=>=>the config
=>=>> file is too cryptic for me to do by hand.
=>=>The 4.1.0 test packages at
=>=>http://people.debian.org/~branden/woody/APT should
=>=>take most configuration off your hands.
=>=>Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux
=>=>(powerpc) developer
=>=>CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI
=>=>project member
=>=>To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-powerpc-request@lists.debian.org
=>=>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
=>Do You Yahoo!?
=>Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
=>To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-powerpc-request@lists.debian.org
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