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Re: distribution of 2.4.x source for PPC (Re: Install on UATA)


Andrei Verovski wrote:


You can find PPC kernel compilation instruction on my web site - http://homepage.mac.com/macgurutemple/linux_tips_and_tricks.html.

However, there are no instruction to build deb. I believe Debian has instruction for building kernel "Debian Way", search on Debian web site.


Here is what you want to know:

1) grab the sources from somewhere (rsync BenH's tree from penguinppc.org for example)
2) cd where/the/sources/are/
3) make menuconfig
4) fakeroot make-kpkg --flavour some_name kernel_image
5) cd ..
6) sudo dpkg -i the_package_it_just_created.deb
7) reboot

If the build fails at 4), you can edit the files that failed, and launch "fakeroot debian/rules binary", it will continue building the kernel instead of starting all over again. There is no need to modify the boot loader, as the postinst script of your kernel package does it automatically (if you have the default /vmlinux and /vmlinux.old images in your yaboot.conf, quik.conf). I added 4) to a bash alias called kc (kernel compilation), so I do spend ages typing commands to build the kernel ;)


/Bastien Nocera

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