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ldconfig woes

Lately, when I've been running apt-get upgrade, every once an a while I've
had to re-run a package or two, because ldconfig was acting funny.  This
wasn't much of a problem, so I pretty much ignored it.  Now I can rarely
ever get ldconfig to run without giving me an illegal instruction at all.

I'm running Sid, I re-installed libc6, that didn't work, tried to compile
it, at which point I was informed I'd need: kernel-headers-2.4, mig,
hurd-dev, gnumach-dev, texi2html, and gcc-3.0-sparc64

If anybody could tell me what's going on here, I'd be most appreciative.

Brian Hicks <hick0142@umn.edu> "Crush the lesser races!  Conquer the
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      4675 8CB1 DC22 ADDD 1F16  pudding, et cetera, et cetera."
  <http://eight.dhs.org>           -- The Doctor

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