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Re: Debian packages for Mac-on-Linux in incoming

    this isn't foolproof since MacOS does allow the user to move or rename
    the System\ Folder to whatever/wherever the hell they feel like it,
    though i have known very few who actually do that.  

Yes, indeed, beware of that.  I've been naming my System Folder's with 
its version number back from MacPlus days and i would expect others to
do likewise.  There is an approved way of finding the 'blessed folder',
but i'd have to dig through old Tech Notes to find it.  On the other
hand, if you're going have installation dialogs anyway, you might put
your best guess in the dialog and let the user help you find it.  I
zhink The 'busybox' does something like that and i found that helpful 
in the initial install (since it was getting things out of the 'System
Folder' with BootX).
                                -- Tovar

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