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Linux 2.4.1 [was: Troubles upgrading from 200 MHz P2 to 400 MHz G3...]

Thanks again to Michel Lanners <mlan@cpu.lu> for the clue about PCI buses.
Indeed, that fix appears to be in the Debian distribution of 2.4.1 (PPC).
That also fixed my problem with the AHA-2940/AW (aka Adaptec AIC-7881U).
But, alas, 'xserver-xfree86' was too unstable for my poor ix3D, messing up 
the color map and worse things, so just i gave up and re-installed Potato.

Here's what i found wrong with 2.4.1 (and what i did to get it to compile):
pmac_pci_enable_device_hook() referenced undefined PCI_DEVICE_ID_APPLE_KL_USB
  (I put an #ifdef PCI_DEVICE_ID_APPLE_KL_USB around the affected statement)

mac_hid.c doesn't get compiled, as numerous mac_hid...() functions are missing
  (in 'arch/ppc/config.in', after, "if [ "$CONFIG_INPUT_ADBHID" = "y" ];",
   i added "define_bool CONFIG_MAC_HID y" [c.f. arch/m68k/config.in])

emulate_raw() is undefined
  (in 'arch/ppc/config.in', after, "if [ "$CONFIG_INPUT_ADBHID" = "y" ];",
   i also added "define_bool CONFIG_ADB_KEYBOARD y")

The result got most things working (besides the ix3D card to work in native
mode), including ADB mice.  But i still suspect it's a bit fragile in terms
of getting '.config' right [copy available upon request].

These aren't necessarily the right fixes, perhaps just work-arounds.  Aside
from the following, only one random mystery remains, that is, when i switch
virtual consoles (or come back from X windows), i have to press both <shift> 
keys at the same time to type in lower case[!??!].

But what's most important to me, is that i can access the 18G disk, which
required compiling 'aic7xxx' as a module.  The kernel would fault if i did
not (as would the 2.2.18 series, even as a module [assuming it could find
things on the second PCI bus]).  That generated further complications, as i
was unable to get 'aic7xxx' to load properly under Potato without installing 
'modutils' from 'Testing'. That was a morass of its own, since it required 
the new 'libc6'. I finally ended up upgraded all of the 'gcc' world to 2.95, 
and now 'dselect' is happy with all the dependencies.

All of this oddness, i can live with.  But i sure wish i could generate a
kernel which i can use for the equivalent of a rescue disk under BootX.
'/usr' is on the big disk, and i'm in deep trouble if i can't at least get 
into single user mode right now.

                                  -- Tovar

P.S.  To answer someone else's question (perhaps already answered), it seems
that both Nagivator and Communicator are broken in Debian PPC Potato.  To
install at least some version of Netscape, i selected 'netscape-smotif-46', 
which then seemed to require the right modules to got with it.

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