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Re: installing debian on a IBM B50 (chrp)

On Jan 08, Borut Mrak <borut.mrak@ijs.si> wrote:

 >The kernel from the current boot-floppies (current = what's in woody) would
 >load, the last message that was printed was something about reading the
 >OpenFirmware tree...
Our CHRP boot disks are broken.
I have been able to succesfully install debian on my B50 just by using
the yellowdog kernel image (look for the link on www.yellowdoglinux.com)
to load the debian ramdisk image, then everything is fine.
I'm currently using the stable_2_4 bitkeeper tree from IBM, look for it
on their PPC page.

You can boot the YDL kernel by copying it on a FAT floppy and typing:

boot floppy:,zimage load_ramdisk=1

 >I also tried netbooting the machine, but I don't know what to feed it.
The same kernel image should work.
I'm not sure if the ramdisk image needs to be prepared, try appending it
to the kernel.
Can some of the IBM people let me know where netbooting is documented?

 >I have Suse installed now. Can I simply cd / ; tar -xzvf base2_2.tgz and
 >run something to configure it? That would be the easiest way out of this
No. You can actually install debian over another distribution, but this
is not for the faint of heart.
Basically, untar the base system in /newroot, run "chroot /newroot",
then edit /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf and a couple of other files and
start apt-getting the packages you think will be needed right now until
the next reboot. Install ash too.
When you are done, exit the chroot jail, run ash (which is a statically
linked shell with many build in commands) and:

cd /
mkdir oldroot
mv usr bin sbin lib var home [...] oldroot/
mv newroot/* .
telinit 1

***BEWARE*** check that the new binaries and libraries are working
before quitting ash!

(Let me know if you need serial console and I'll send you a kernel.)


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