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Re: [linux-fbdev] Re: 2.3.99pre7-8 experiences

ajoshi@shell.unixbox.com said:
> Actually, Xpmac is very slow compared to XFree 4.0.  If you compare
> Xpmac vs. XFree86 4.0 r128 you'll find xfree 4.0 (with a couple of my
> patches in Jack Howarth's RPMS) are over 200% faster then Xpmac.  As
> for mach64, a local build shows somewhat the same increase over xpmac.

well, if I had an r128 the numbers might be different. But 3.3.6's mach64 
speed is terrible compared to Xpmac.10, and you've said that 4.0 is not usable 
at all with a a mach64 right now so I'm unable to enjoy your claim that it's 
faster :-). If 4.0 really is faster than Xpmac, I'm going to be impressed!!!

could patches or even just binaries of your 'local build' be posted somewhere 
(I don't know what kind of licenses you are bound by, if no say no). 
Especially nice would be to rebuild Michel Dänzer <daenzerm@student.ethz.ch>'s 
debs from http://n.ethz.ch/student/daenzerm/download/XFree86/4.0/  with 
experimental mach64, but I'll take anything I can get :-)

> Xpmac isn't really a "true" X server, its largely a big hack. 

but Xpmac's a fast hack, at least on some peculiarity of my setup. GTK 
especially feels tremendously improved with Xpmac over 3.3.6. But all the 
things Xpmac can't do (espescially wheel mice) bother me enough to do without 
the speed, so I'm eagerly awaiting 4.0 where I get the best of both!

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