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Re: ieee1394 *and* new input layer in one kernel

Bryan Stillwell <bstill@terraplex.com> writes:

> Am I to understand that you have a ieee1394 hard drive working under ppc
> linux?  This weekend I was able to get all the ieee1394 stuff working
> with 2.2.18pre21 from Paulus's tree, but I didn't have anything to test
> with besides gscanbus which seemed to be working fine.  I tried testing
> with the eth1394 driver, but I haven't been able to get it to compile
> yet.  :(

So 2.4.0-test11 behaves exactly the same as 2.2.18:

* With no devices attached testlibraw and gscanbus run fine. 

   ~/build/libraw1394-0.7/src $ ./testlibraw
   successfully got handle
   current generation number: 7
   1 card(s) found
     nodes on bus:  1, card name: ohci1394
   using first card found: 1 nodes on bus, local ID is 0
   doing transactions with custom tag handler
   trying to send read request to node 0... completed with 0x00100000,
      value 0xb97e760f 
   using standard tag handler and synchronous calls
   trying to read from node 0... completed with 0x00100000, value 0xb97e7a40
   testing FCP monitoring on local node
   got fcp command from node 0 of 8 bytes: 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef
   got fcp response from node 0 of 8 bytes: 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef
   polling for leftover messages

* With the harddrive connected, both testlibraw and gscanbus hang:
   ~/build/libraw1394-0.7/src $  ./testlibraw
   successfully got handle
   current generation number: 4
   1 card(s) found
     nodes on bus:  2, card name: ohci1394
   using first card found: 2 nodes on bus, local ID is 0
   doing transactions with custom tag handler
   trying to send read request to node 0... 

At this point if I kill the process linux dies. If I unplug the drive,
the process continues:

      completed with 0x00100000, value 0xff70800f
   trying to send read request to node 1... failed with error -1101
   using standard tag handler and synchronous calls
   trying to read from node 0... failed with error -1003
   trying to read from node 1... failed with error -1101
   testing FCP monitoring on local node
   polling for leftover messages



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