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Re: gdb: Won't compile on PowerPC

>>>>> "KP" == Kevin Puetz <puetzk@iastate.edu> writes:


    KP> I'm, cc'ing the bug too, so that the maintainer he's not
    KP> in the dark as to your doubts. All I know is that my patch
    KP> at least worked for my simple CS homework this afternoon,
    KP> and fails on threaded apps in the same way the old one did
    KP> (presumably because i386-threads.patch did not get
    KP> applied).

Okay by me.  I thought it might be better to test it before
expressing doubts -- just based on what you'd said it seemed
pretty clear to be that your package was an improvement on the
behavior of the unpatched gdb source.

    KP> I've sent them in (to bug 58450, and binaries are
    KP> available from southpole.penguinpowered.com). They
    KP> unfortunately do nothing about the thread problems - I
    KP> have exactly the same behavior from mozilla as I had
    KP> before (with gdb_4.18-1.1), but they seem to work at least
    KP> on the smoke-test level of a 2-file program, and provide a
    KP> base for someone (maybe me) to try to get the thread patch
    KP> into shape. What kinds of problems did you see with the
    KP> pure upstream that I could look for to make sure having
    KP> gotten the debian patches to go helped?

Pure upstream was unable to ``run'' a file -- ``Don't know how to
run.  Try "help target".'' -- apparently because of problems with
its target mechanism (I gather that gdb knows about various
targets -- binaries, core files, etc. -- and uses that information
to decide what to do with data it's supplied with -- this is the
stuff in the bfd directory).  It was also unable to do anything
useful with the core files I had.

I also tried aliening the latest RPM (4.18) from LinuxPPC, and it
doesn't seem to work any better than the 4.18 Debian version.

Your version, however, appears to run things just fine (like the
working 4.18), and also *doesn't* segfault when running with
freeamp.  Hooray!  I'm not sure how useful the backtraces will be,
but I already feel like we're light years past where we were
yesterday.  Thanks!


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   C.M. Connelly               c@eskimo.com                   SHC, DS

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