Re: spontaneous reboot?
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000, Ethan Benson <> wrote:
>has anyone else ever experienced spontaneous reboots like this? I have
>only seen it when booting kernels with bootX but that occurs very
>early in the boot process. I boot with yaboot 0.5.
>is there any other possible explanation? (I have the few services i
>have running (sshd) firewalled off as well as properly configured so i
>doubt it was a security breach, and i see no other evidence to that..)
This could have been several different things. Coming to my mind now:
- A panic, eventually caused by OOM conditions (2.2.x are still quite
bogus when reaching OOM)
- A failure in communication with the PMU. In this case, the PMU will
usually reboot or shutdown the machine
Do you see in the logs if the filesystems had to be fsck'ed on reboot or
not ? (Was it a hard crash ?)
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