Stack frame in signal handler?
Does anyone know if the format of the stack frame when a signal occurs is
documented anywhere? I've found the code in
/kernel/signal.c, and I can get most of it from that; but there are some
strangenesses there I don't understand (why is there more than one sigcontext
structure? What's sys_sigreturn *doing*?). The format doesn't seem to be
documented in the PPC ABI.
My next step is to get out ddd and start fiddling with it; but I'd really
rather not do that. If anyone here knows, I'd be extremely grateful.
+- David Given ---------------McQ-+ "[SF is not about predicting the future.]
| Work: | We are not prophets; in fact, if we were
| Play: | much worse at it, we'd be economists." ---
+- -+ Stephen Dedman
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