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Re: broken cat!

root <root@localhost.usinternet.com> writes:

> On Sat, 8 May 1999, Sam Quigley wrote:
> > 
> > Somehow, I've managed to break /bin/cat...
> 	No, you didn't break /bin/cat... readline is very broken. Horribly
> as such. What you do is get /lib/libreadline.so.2 from the tgz (tar and cp
> work still), copy it over into /lib, run dselect, <real important>
> download the updated libreadline offa the ftp site and install that.

I don't think that it's a readline issue: I've already jumped that
hurdle.  textutils doesn't depend on readline, and /bin/cat isn't
linked with it...  and I have the latest readline.  bash works fine,
too -- although I had the standard readline problems when upgrading

I extracted /bin/cat from the textutils deb, and even a pristine copy

I ran an strace, and the segfault happens at the getpid call.  That
may or may not be the culrpit.

I couldn't get gdb to tell me anything interesting, presumably because
there are no debugging symbols.

In truth I don't know what the problem is.  The only thing that
strikes me as peculiar is that /bin/cat is linked against
libnfslockfile or some such, while cat on my debian pc is not (but
then I don't have the same packages on that machine). Perhaps there's
a bug in nfslockfile?

Anyway, as you might expect, a broken cat is a real pain.  Very few
shell scripts, including rc scripts and deb configuration scripts work 
at all.  I really need to find a solution to this problem...  can
anyone help?


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