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[Popcon-developers] popcon-submit.cgi regexp

[Bill Allombert]
> Hello Petter,

Hi.  Good to see you at work on the package.  I've been away most of
the day, so I am trying to catch up. :)

> In popcon-submit.cgi, there is 
> my ($id) = $entry[0] =~ m/POPULARITY-CONTEST-0 .+ ID:(\S+) /;
> I am not sure I see the point of checking that at this stage
> (this is redundant with prepop.pl) but you want to check that,
> why not use the same regexp as prepop.pl: ID:([a-f0-9]{32})

I added the test to be able to give feedback to the HTTP uploader if
there were bugs in the protocol format used.  I agree that it is a
good idea to use the same regex both places.

Petter Reinholdtsen

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