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[Popcon-developers] Bug#149425: should compress data before sending

On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 12:54:30PM +0100, Erik Schanze wrote:
> Hi @all!
> How about this bug?
> Was there any work done on it?
> It's open for more than 2 years now and seems not really hard to fix.

Hello Erik,

If it easy to fix, how would you do it ?
I proposed a solution, but the other popcon maintainer disagreed, so
I did not it implement it.

> What about this "process of reorganizing" and the status of the needed 
> possibility of compressed reports?

A lot of work have been done. Now we have the popcon.debian.org website
and virtual host.

> My report is about 73k per machine and I own only a low bandwitdh modem 
> connection, so a comression would be great.

Given compressed data will need to be base64'ed, compression will not
get you much:

%ls -l popularity-contest*
-rw-r--r--    1 bill     bill        25912 fév 17 13:21 popularity-contest
-rw-rw-r--    1 bill     bill        11432 fév 17 13:23 popularity-contest.b64
-rw-r--r--    1 bill     bill         8411 fév 17 13:20 popularity-contest.gz

However the current popcon server (gluck.debian.org, aka
people.debian.org and a dozen other vhost) is a bit overloaded
currently so I am careful about not making change that would increase
the resource usage.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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