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Bug#1039102: debian-policy: make systemd units mandatory for packages shipping system services

Benda Xu <heroxbd@gentoo.org> writes:

> I take care of packages that does not meet the proposed policy. And I
> don't have a systemd test environment.  I am curious what is the
> recommended way to go forward.

> - upload a generator-converted .service without any test;
> - set low-NMU to encourage interested party to upload a .service;
> - leave the lack-of-systemd-service bug open until some one submit a
>   patch or a merge request;
> - you name it.

systemd unit files for "typical" daemons are very simple to write (simpler
than an init script in a lot of cases) and generally don't change much.  I
would, if I were you, be tempted to just write an obvious and simple unit
file and upload it and let people report bugs if it breaks.  This isn't
ideal, but at least for simple daemons the risk is probably relatively
low?  Maybe I'm too cavalier, though.

I suspect there are also a fair number of people who would be happy to
help write systemd unit files for packages, since (at least in my opinion)
it's kind of fun.  This isn't the right place to coordinate that, but
there must be some good spot in Debian.  debian-mentors, maybe?

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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