debian-policy Feb 2018 by subject

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Bug#459427: changelog vs. NEWS handling Bug#780403: Daugiabučių, gyvenamųjų namų, sodų bendrijų bazė su pirmininkų kontaktais Bug#780403: Direktoriaus kontaktai - tai Jūsų klientas Bug#802501: Direktoriaus kontaktai - tai Jūsų klientas Bug#880920: RFC: Support for selective usage of (fake)root during package build (R³) Bug#888978: developers-reference: 5.6.5 queued logfile Bug#889167: debian-policy: please replace references to "dh_systemd_install" to "dh_installsystemd" Bug#889820: debian-policy: 12.5, relaxed requirement for copyright location Bug#889960: debian-policy: stray line break at clean target in section 4.9 Bug#890142: Acknowledgement (debian-policy: Please provide a backport of the package) Bug#890142: debian-policy: Please provide a backport of the package Bug#890142: marked as done (debian-policy: Please provide a backport of the package) Bug#890946: debian-policy: Editor policy is inconsistent with sensible-editor's behaviour Bug#891216: Requre d-devel consultation for epoch bump possible typo in the 9.3.31 Processed: Re: debian-policy: please replace references to "dh_systemd_install" to "dh_installsystemd" Processed: tagging 889167 Processed: tagging 889960 Processed: user, limit package to debian-policy, tagging 742364 The last update was on 05:22 GMT Sun Jun 09. There are 42 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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