debian-policy Jul 2005 by thread
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- Re: nikolaevich always finds Ralph Groves
- Bug#152955: It's official: $462,000.00 for 20 years @ 3.72% Wilbur Godoy
- Healthy living for everyday life. Eddie
- You're Invited... Jamie Delong
- The best moments in your life happen suddenly... Godfrey
- Top software brands and independece you can trust. Owen
- Bug#317365: ..debian policy advice on the GPL etc as licenses or contracts, _should_ be in 2.1 and 12.5, is not. Arnt Karlsen
- Bug#317365: Why is this policy related?Organization: The Debian Project Manoj Srivastava
- Full version of the software. Benedict
- Re: Bug#190753: Online Univeristy diploma degrees LINEYL2
- Super software, swell prices, splendid service. Roy
- Software paradise. Natalie
- Bug#250202: Purchaase your gene ric vigara and more now boggy Iva Lewis
- You check this and do not pay PPV any more Scofield
- Bug#212814: Purchaase agene ric vigara and more now brash Ursula Velez
- Bug#317513: kaffe: ELOOP because of multiple alternatives when /usr is a symlink Yann Dirson
- Get a head start on a new computer career Betsey
- You made it Erin Bailey
- Re: "How to recognise different ETCH wishlists from quite a long way away" (revised) Manoj Srivastava
- Extra power. Don't think. Just act. Jimmy
- Bug#208010: Look online s-eex cams with hot gilrs burbank Isiah Mcclain
- Software should be easy to use! Nance
- Download and Buy CDS all software under $15-$99 Jim
- what happend to you? Mike Duke
- Hey man stop throwing away your money Arapat
- 不倫から結婚まで info
- Little magic. Perfect weekends. Leonard
- Make $ with IGTS, Get it! above dania Larmour
- Office XP - $60 Essie
- Bug#318147: debian-policy: Typo in 8.6.2: ${shlib:Depends} must be ${shlibs:Depends} Thijs Kinkhorst
- Bug#318214: debian-policy: Unclear wording of ldconfig requirements in section 8.1.1 Ben Finney
- Getwhiterteethinoneuse! Thu, 14 Jul 2005 03:55:30 -0800 Milo Jones
- Whats the haps.,..steen Sara Bear
- Vintage fire truck collection? Travis Gray
- FRESH ONE:Penny St0cks Can Make You Money... Brenton Hinson
- Bug#318637: Recommend that -dev documents be symlinks Thomas Hood
- Bug#318637: This seems like it would be better in developers reference Manoj Srivastava
- Bug#318778: debian-policy: Format field is mandatory in .dsc files now Goswin Brederlow
- Re: Bug#99933: attn:Representative Wanted! Fsee99
- Credit Notice Sam Metcalf
- wee keep it simple and responsive Danielle Titor
- Various small typos in policy (in CVS & on WWW) Fabian Pietsch
- Procedure to add sub-policies Frank Küster
- GNUstep and FHS Eric Heintzmann
- Bug#190753: Bug #190753 (frown on programs in PATH with language extentions) Joey Hess
- Bug#209008: Ciao! Sara Bear
- Bug#128868: See ya later. Sarah gal
- Bug#114920: Talk to you again soon. Sara
- Bug#128681: Hi you,. It's me Sara,, Just see whats new?.,,..,.diachronic Sarah girl Mcgrath
- Bug#89038: Hey there you.,,..,,curious Sarah
- Bug#102213: Ciao! Sara girl
The last update was on 19:13 GMT Sun Aug 11. There are 72 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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