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Re: Bug#227762: Typo / Language in section 3.10

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Janssen <maniac@maniac.nl> writes:


Mark> This should be either:
Mark> which is unnecessary...
Mark> that is unnecessary...

While we're already talking about this...

The "which" form is incorrect.  The correct version is "that is

From _The Elements of Style_ (Strunk and White, 4th ed) p. 59
"/That/ is the defining, or restrictive, pronoun, /which/ the
nondefining, or nonrestrictive."

In other words, you use "which" if you can remove that clause and it
is still clear exactly what the subject is, and you use "that" if the
clause helps define what the subject is.  In this instance, "...is
unnecessary..." defines which output we are talking about, so the
correct thing to use is "that".

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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