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Bug#157131: PROPOSAL] Suggest to minimize optimization when DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains "debug"

On Sun, 2002-08-18 at 05:46, Richard Braakman wrote:

> For that matter, there are also Heisenbugs to consider: some bugs only
> appear in the optimized version, not the un-optimized.  Compiling the
> debugging version with different optimization flags would make tracking
> down these bugs needlessly difficult.

Right. I sort of guessed someone might raise this issue, but I wasn't
sure how often it would come up in practise.   

I then propose the following patch.
--- debian-policy-	2002-03-14 13:17:48.000000000 -0500
+++ debian-policy-	2002-08-18 18:06:50.000000000 -0400
@@ -5357,34 +5357,63 @@
 	  Debugging symbols are useful for error diagnosis,
 	  investigation of core dumps (which may be submitted by users
 	  in bug reports), or testing and developing the software.
-	  Therefore it is recommended to support building the package
-	  with debugging information through the following interface:
-	  If the environment variable <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt>
-	  contains the string <tt>debug</tt>, compile the software
-	  with debugging information (usually this involves adding the
-	  <tt>-g</tt> flag to <tt>CFLAGS</tt>).  This allows the
-	  generation of a build tree with debugging information.  If
-	  the environment variable <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt> contains
-	  the string <tt>nostrip</tt>, do not strip the files at
-	  installation time.  This allows one to generate a package
-	  with debugging information included.<footnote>
-	    <p>
-	      Rationale: Using <tt>-g</tt> by default causes wasted
-	      CPU cycles since the information is stripped away
-	      anyway; this can have a significant impact on the
-	      efficiency of the autobuilders.  Having a standard way
-	      to build a debugging variant also makes it easier to
-	      build debugging bins and libraries since it provides a
-	      documented way of getting this type of build; one does
-	      not have to manually edit <tt>debian/rules</tt> or
-	      <tt>Makefile</tt>s.
-	    </p>
-	  </footnote>
+	  For this reason, it is recommended to support the
+	  standardized environment variable <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt>.
+	  This variable can contain several flags to change how a
+	  package is compiled.
+	</p>
+	<p>
+	  <taglist>
+	    <tag>debug</tag>
+	    <item>
+	      <p>
+		If this string is present in <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt>,
+		then ensure that the package is compiled with whatever
+		additional information is necessary for debugging.  For
+		programs written in the C language, this usually means
+		adding <tt>-g</tt> to the <tt>CFLAGS</tt> environment
+		variable.
+	      </p>
+	    </item>
+	    <tag>noopt</tag>
+	    <item>
+	      <p>
+		The presence of this string means that the package
+		should be complied with the minumum possible amount of
+		optimization.  For C programs, this usually implies
+		adding <tt>-O0</tt> to <tt>CFLAGS</tt>.  Some programs
+		might fail to build or run at this level of
+		optimization; it may be necessary to use <tt>-O1</tt>.
+	      </p>
+	    </item>
+	    <tag>nostrip</tag>
+	    <item>
+	      <p>
+		This string implies that the debugging symbols should
+		not be stripped from the binary during installation, so
+		that debugging information may be included in the
+		package.
+	      </p>
+	    </item>
+	  </taglist>
+	</p>
+	<p>
+	  Rationale: Using <tt>-g</tt> by default causes wasted
+	  CPU cycles since the information is stripped away
+	  anyway; this can have a significant impact on the
+	  efficiency of the autobuilders.  Having a standard way
+	  to build a debugging variant also makes it easier to
+	  build debugging bins and libraries since it provides a
+	  documented way of getting this type of build; one does
+	  not have to manually edit <tt>debian/rules</tt> or
+	  <tt>Makefile</tt>s.
+	</p>
+	<p>
 	  The following makefile snippet is an example of how one may
 	  test for either condition; you will probably have to massage
 	  this example in order to make it work for your package.
 	  <example compact="compact">
-CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall
+CFLAGS = -Wall
 INSTALL = install
 INSTALL_FILE    = $(INSTALL) -p    -o root -g root  -m  644
 INSTALL_PROGRAM = $(INSTALL) -p    -o root -g root  -m  755
@@ -5394,12 +5423,16 @@
 ifneq (,$(findstring debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
 CFLAGS += -g
+ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+CFLAGS += -O0
+CFLAGS += -O2
 ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
 	  It is up to the package maintainer to decide what
 	  compilation options are best for the package.  Certain

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