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Re: Rewriting policy soonish if poss.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 08:40:13AM -0600, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> I'd like to rewrite policy soonish.  

Into what, exactly?

Last time this came up we had a nice flamewar about it, but didn't seem
to resolve anything -- does it really make sense to do a rewrite while we
as a project don't seem to have a clear idea of what policy's meant to be?

Talking to Manoj the other day, I think it finally made sense to me what
he was getting at, which leads me to think what we might be aiming at is
to split policy into three separate docs:

	-- Release Critical Issues
		(a straight out list of problems that get a package pulled
		 from testing, maintained by the RM)

	-- Debian Best Packaging Practices
		(guidelines on how to do packaging well, generally)

	-- The Debian Specifications Document
		(fairly formal specs on things like the version number
		 format, format of .debs, layout of source packages,
		 control file fields probably, update-rc.d spec, menu
		 file format, and so on)

Violations of the latter document can probably be checked completely
automatically, and in many cases won't even make it into the archive.
Many of the BPP guidelines will be able to be checked by lintian/linda
too hopefully, at best only a few of them are worth RC bugs, though.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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