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Bug#89473: PROPOSAL] dpkg-statoverride and Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50)

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

    Manoj> 	I disagree. Developers reference still exists, and so
    Manoj> does the packaging manual. The packaging manual is merely
    Manoj> no longer policy.

There is no link to the packaging manual from w.d.o/devel and there is
no packaging-manual package in the archives any more (except for
stable's outdated version). So no, it doesn't exist any more.

The description of the Developers Reference reads:

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the
recommended procedures and the available resources for Debian


It should be clear that this reference does not discuss the technical
details of the Debian package nor how to generate Debian packages;
that information is discussed in the Debian Packaging Manual.  Nor
does this reference detail the standards to which Debian software must
comply; that information can be found in the Debian Policy Manual.

So again, no.  There is currently *NO PLACE* for non-policy related
packaging information.

    Manoj> 	Then read the dpkg documents, which now include the
    Manoj> packaging manual.

No, it doesn't.

Unpacking dpkg-doc (from .../dpkg-doc_1.8.3.1_all.deb) ...
Setting up dpkg-doc ( ...

sh-2.04# dpkg -L dpkg-doc

Nowhere is a scrap of information about dpkg-statoverride mentioned.

    Manoj> 	Given this, I formally object to this proposal.

Please do more research before you formally object!  I expect more
from you, Manoj. :)


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