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Bug#90287: PROPOSAL] require the use of $MAIL

>>"Arthur" == Arthur Korn <arthur@korn.ch> writes:

 Arthur> In the discussion about changing our default mailbox location
 Arthur> it became clear that there are some packages that don't use
 Arthur> $MAIL at all. This is seriously broken behaviour, and can
 Arthur> make it very hard to use alternative mailbox setups.

	Please clarify the following: whose $MAIL should the MTA
 honor? I have several users on my machine, and if they all have
 different $MAIL settings, where should sendmail dump the mail in? How
 does sendmail know the $MAIL settings for everyone? 

 Arthur> Reading up about this in the policy, I noticed that it states
 Arthur> in section 12.6, paragraph 2:

 >> The mail spool is /var/spool/mail and the interface to send a mail message
 >> is /usr/sbin/sendmail (as per the FHS). The mail spool is part of the base
 >> system and not part of the MTA package.

 Arthur> This sounds af it was allways /var/spool/mail, and
 Arthur> considering $MAIL was not really necessery. I propose that
 Arthur> this be changed to:

 >> The mail spool is $MAIL with a fallback to /var/spool/mail. The
 >> interface to send a mail message is /usr/sbin/sendmail (as per the
 >> FHS). The mail spool is part of the base system and not part of
 >> the MTA package.

 Arthur> ciao, 2ri

	I think this proposal is seriously flawed. It also fails the
 directive that programs not require env variables to be set for
 correct functioning. 

	Unless you clarify whose $MAIL setting the MTA must follow,
 and come up with an explanation why that is a good thing, I shall
 object to this proposal.

 He who laughs has not yet heard the bad news. Bertolt Brecht
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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