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Re: Native packages, broken uploads, and debian policy

>>>>> "Henrique" == Henrique M Holschuh <hmh@debian.org> writes:

    Henrique> On Sun, 04 Feb 2001, Brian May wrote:
    >> Although for native packages (which should not already have a
    >> Debian revision number), -# should probably be appended
    >> instead, so the version stays the same.

    Henrique> No. That is the same as adding a Debian revision (native
    Henrique> packages are forbidden to have '-' in their version
    Henrique> strings, UNLESS there is another '-' in there defining a
    Henrique> debian revision field).

No! I mean for binary deb packages only, where a rebuild is required,
eg. for a new version of the package.

So, the maintainer would upload


however, when the autobuilder realizes that this needs rebuilding, eg
for a new version of libc6, it creates


instead of 

(not allowed; apt-get wont down-load it as the version is the same)


(changing the version number like this is stupid, and not even required.)

this is no different to the autobuilder playing around with the Debian
revision number for non-native packages.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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