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Re: [RFC] Package build time config for installation directories.

>>"Ben" == Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

 Ben> Oh, and let's not forget that most build scripts hardcode these
 Ben> paths anyway, so it's a matter of replacing the hardcoded parts
 Ben> with a variable, and adding a line that sources the var file.

	Most scripts hard code sbindir? Which build scripts are these,
 then? Surely you are and I are not talking the same things here. (I
 guess you are not talking about scripts used while building a
 package, and maintainer scripts)

 Ben> Heck, perl module packages can mostly be left alone, and dh_*
 Ben> scripts can be made to handle it, thus removing the need for a
 Ben> large chunk of packages to do nothing, or very little.

 Ben> Yes it will take some work, but no more than a) the usr/doc ->
 Ben> usr/share/doc move is taking, nor the Build-Depends updates, nor
 Ben> any of the other major changes we have undertaken. Don't knock
 Ben> down a good idea simply because you have to put a small bit of
 Ben> effort into it.

	I am knocking down an idea not because it involves work, but
 because I am not yet convinced it is not wrong headed. Just because
 we had other tasks that require packages to be changed, either in the
 past, and possible again in the future is no excuse for not examining
 whether such a change is needed. 

	Most of what you proposed is better bundled into dpkg, and not
 every single darned package.

	Prove to me it is not busy work, and why it is better than
 teaching dpkg to map installation dirs/paths from the paths in the
 deb, making additions of new mappings simlpe, and faster.

	Accusing me of laziness when I counter an idea makes me
 inclined to accuse the proposers of the idea as short sighted idiots,
 but I am refraining from succumbing to a natural desire to
 flame. Please refrain from ad hominems in the future so we do not
 devolve into mere flammage here.

 definitely irritated
 You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with
 a kind word alone. Al Capone [Also attributed to Johnny Carson.  Ed.]
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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