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Re: RFC: allow output from maintainer scripts

>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

    Anthony> Well, yes. "Bytecompiling emacs modules: emacs19 emacs20
    Anthony> xemacs20" would be useful output, by comparison.

How about something like this:

Messages should only be displayed on the console if:

- it represents a slow task, eg compiling modules (emacs) or compiling
ls-R files (latex). Of course, this is a subjective criteria... What
is a "slow" task?

- it represents a task which could potentially crash the computer (not
sure if any actually fall in this criteria???).

- it represents a task that alters the state of the computer, eg
starting a daemon, or changing a config file. Obviously, this could be

Any messages displayed should be brief, and a maximum of one line for
each item.

Any other messages probably should be done via debconf.

Of course, this could do with some refinement, but I think you get the
general idea.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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