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Re: new fields in debian/control

>>"Clint" == Clint Adams <schizo@debian.org> writes:

 >> If it turns out to be generally useful, should we not
 >> at least consider building it in, rahter than asking everyone to hack
 >> their own variant? I think that the Origin is corelated to the BTS,
 >> and the BTS is trongly related to the style, and this should be
 >> reflected in the implemntation (make the common things easy).

 Clint> I think we have different ideas about the point of the Origin field.
 Clint> If you set up debian/rules to conditionally build for FSSTND, FHS 2.1,
 Clint> or FHS 6.57 depending on which release of Debian you happen to be
 Clint> targeting, you won't be changing the origin.  So why make it easy to
 Clint> say -O Vitamin-D but not --distribution slink?  Environment variables
 Clint> work just fine if you want to change behavior without editing files.

	I fail to see the relationship between this paragraph and the
 quoted material above. As to your rely, I thik that if one can change
 behavior without editing files, I would be happy. I was not objecting
 to the env variable overrides; I was merely suggesting these are not
 un corelated variables, and it would help if setting one (however
 they are set -- command line, env var, config file) changes the
 defaults for the other.

 Clint> If there are going to be no changes between Origin: local and
 Clint> Origin: Debian, and you're not going to be distributing the
 Clint> deb, then what is the point of setting Origin: local?  To
 Clint> prevent yourself from filing bugs against your own package?

	The people on my local network using my local package wcould
 then file buga against my local BTS, of course. There is
 distributing, and then there is distributing.

 That government is best which governs least. Henry David Thoreau,
 "Civil Disobedience"
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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