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Re: Policy updating?

Hi folks,

  	Could I ask what the status of the policy update is? Julian,
 if you could check in your changes, perhaps we could work towards
 some release here?

 	I have come to the conclusion that perhaps waiting for a
 consensus or dictum would be a long wait, and I think policy has gone
 long enough without an update, and perhaps I should take a more
 active role here again.

 	I'll be happy to work with Julian (or anyone else that people
 on the list want), and perhaps we can work through some of the
 changes that need to be made , since a number of them seem to be
 fairly non controversial, and make good sense, IMHO. Perhaps we can
 shelve the kind of fiasco that happened about the /usr/doc transition
 this time around.

 	Are there any objections to pushing a policy release through?

 "The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that
 children produce adults." Peter De Vries
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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