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Re: priority of x-window-manager

On Sat, Mar 11, 2000 at 09:07:52AM +0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> You use terminology very rigorously and I use it very roughly.

Yes.  I'm a pedant.  :)

> As I am not a man in the computer science world so my terminology
> might be not the standard.  My intention is, roughly, like follows.
> i18n =(or nearly equal) set of appropriate localization

This is wrong.  Localization is localization.  Internationalization is not
localization.  A program must be i18n'ed before it can be l10n'ed, though.

>      =(or nearly equal) support of multi-byte character

This is better, but it is only one component of proper
internationalization.  A properly internationalized program is not only
capable of presenting textual information in a format appropriate to the
user's locale (this includes being able to render the correct glyphs,
proper directionality, etc.), but it must also be cognizant of things like
local standards for formatting of numeric, currency, and time/date

> that is, in case of window manager, the main point is the capability
> of presenting multi-byte character.

Again, like I have said before -- I agree that it is good for a window
manager to be multibyte character aware.  However, unless it has also been
localized, it is not of particular use to the end user.  (A multibyte
character-aware window manager is easier for a programmer to work with, if
he wants to localize it for his locale.)

> If i18n is not an appropriate technical term please choose any
> term you think appropriate.  I do not care much what technical term
> you will select.

I think you are concerned more with localization.  After all, what do you
think the end user cares about more?

A) "Is my window manager multibyte-character aware?"; or
B) "Can my window manager use the Japanese language for its window titles
   and menus?"

I think you're more concerned about B) than A).  The alternatives priority
mechanism is not cognizant of locales, so I don't think we can support your
idea at present.  It wouldn't do any good to promote an i18n'ed window
manager that supports Japanese well to a user who wants to see Han instead.

G. Branden Robinson            |   <joeyh> oh my, it's a UP P III.
Debian GNU/Linux               |   <doogie> dos it.
branden@ecn.purdue.edu         |   * joeyh runs dselect
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |   <Overfiend> that ought to be sufficient :)

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