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Re: Changes in handling library dependencies

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@ualberta.ca> writes:

    Jason> Without seeing the full details, it is more likely that you
    Jason> do not have proper depends on the libraries. When you build
    Jason> libhgssapi makes sure to tack on -lkrb5 -ldes -lasn1
    Jason> ... etc You can use 'ldd' on the library to check
    Jason> these. Again this only applies to dynamic libraries.

... and for *.la files, too.

    Jason> You can link a library with missing symbols but when you
    Jason> link a program to that library the linker will complain.

Yes, I see you are right. ldd shows libresolv (which was included
on the command line), but nothing else (as expected). You learn
something everyday...

I will talk to the upstream authors about getting this fixed.

What platforms will this work on? It gets a bit messy if authors have
to link in only one library on some platforms, but all libraries on
another platform. Hopefully that isn't the case...
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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